A Special Place For A FAmily Of FishAholics

A Special Place For A FAmily Of FishAholics

There’s a recurring pattern I see over and over again when we host our events.  It’s this pattern of going back to our roots.  The reason why we began fishing.  Here’s what I mean. Often when I see heated debate it’s about what a fisherman does.  From taking a big fish home to showing a specific technique or rig to eating a particular species of fish, it’s always about what one does.  We’re so focused on what we do, we forget the commonality that connects us all.  The reason why we began fishing…Read more …
Striper Boils at San Luis Reservoir

Striper Boils at San Luis Reservoir

Sometimes you just have to make the best out of a bad situation.  On a recent trip, that's exactly what my cousin Chia and I did. It was still dark as I towed my boat towards San Luis Reservoir which is about 10 miles west of Los Banos.  Driving west on CA 152, we were surprised when we saw lighting in the distance.  Rain wasn't in the forecast!  At least that's what the weather man said. We kept going hoping it'd move on or stop by the time we reached the lake.  As…Read more …
How Stripers React Under Water

How Stripers React Under Water

Most predatory species are visual feeders.  Lions visually chase down prey, stripers and bass visually scan their surroundings for an opportunity to feed and humans…well, we can’t resist the sight of a hot juicy buttered up, medium rare grilled steak. Even with a keen sense of smell or lateral lines that detect minute electrical changes; most predators see their prey before going in for the kill. It’s hard being a fisherman.  We can’t see our prey most of the time.  We can’t visually react to what the fish is telling us.  How are…Read more …
SJ CAM M20: Capture your fishing trips on a budget

SJ CAM M20: Capture your fishing trips on a budget

As fishermen, we can spend top dollar on fishing gear, buy the best baits and lures or pay thousands of dollars for a boat.  But when it comes to recording our catches, most of us probably wouldn’t spend a dime on an action cam that'll record every minute of our line peeling, drag screaming and rod bending moments. A popular action cam people use is the Go Pro brand.  But at such a hefty price tag, many would rather get a top dollar rod or reel.  So, if you don’t want to spend $400 on…Read more …
2nd Annual FishAholics California Aqueduct Striped Bass Tournament

2nd Annual FishAholics California Aqueduct Striped Bass Tournament

***Tournament Registration has closed.  See the results HERE.*** It's here again.  The FishAholics 2nd annual California striped bass tournament.  Last year we had a great turnout with lots of prizes from our sponsors.  We're expecting a bigger turnout and more prizes this time around.  Here's how you register. For more tips about how to get started fishing at the California Aqueduct, checkout the following posts. https://www.thefishaholics.com/5-locations-to-finding-striped-bass-at-the-california-aqueduct   https://www.thefishaholics.com/when-the-bite-shuts-off-at-the-california-aqueduct   https://www.thefishaholics.com/how-to-get-started-fishing-grates-at-the-california-aqueduct   https://www.thefishaholics.com/floodgates   https://www.thefishaholics.com/fishingbridgesRead more …